A Celebration
Our Mission Statement says we express love through worship, word, and deed. It s our goal that those who attend our worship service feel connected to the love energy of God, hear words that call us to express love in the world, and celebrate the actions we have taken that bring love to others.
All are welcome in worship. There is no test of faith required to enter in.
We strive to dismantle barriers to full participation wherever we find them.
Our worship happens in the context of Traditional Protestantism, with a message inspired by scripture being the central feature. We minister in the context of Progressive Christianity, a theology that understands all people to be beloved Children of God and Christianity to be one of many viable paths to finding God. Our worship is centered around scripture, the inherited stories of our religious ancestors who had an intense experience of God and desired to both explain it to others and bring us to our own experience of God. We believe in the transformative power of the story of Jesus, who taught us how to love beyond barriers and welcome those others would leave out.
We have a strong commitment to liturgical arts. Our worship space is filled with the sounds of music. Our dedicated choir is here three Sundays a month, preparing and offering the gift of choral anthems. Our music director curates the musical talent of our community to bring in accompanists, soloists, and special music. We strive to include a wide variety of music that will appeal to a wide variety of people. You may not love every piece you hear, but you are bound to hear a piece you love. Our sanctuary is traditionally beautiful, with mesmerizing stained glass windows and magnificent shiny organ pipes. We supplement this beauty with the work of various artists who create installations to enhance our worship experience.
All are welcome in worship. There is no test of faith required to enter in.
We strive to dismantle barriers to full participation wherever we find them.
Our worship happens in the context of Traditional Protestantism, with a message inspired by scripture being the central feature. We minister in the context of Progressive Christianity, a theology that understands all people to be beloved Children of God and Christianity to be one of many viable paths to finding God. Our worship is centered around scripture, the inherited stories of our religious ancestors who had an intense experience of God and desired to both explain it to others and bring us to our own experience of God. We believe in the transformative power of the story of Jesus, who taught us how to love beyond barriers and welcome those others would leave out.
We have a strong commitment to liturgical arts. Our worship space is filled with the sounds of music. Our dedicated choir is here three Sundays a month, preparing and offering the gift of choral anthems. Our music director curates the musical talent of our community to bring in accompanists, soloists, and special music. We strive to include a wide variety of music that will appeal to a wide variety of people. You may not love every piece you hear, but you are bound to hear a piece you love. Our sanctuary is traditionally beautiful, with mesmerizing stained glass windows and magnificent shiny organ pipes. We supplement this beauty with the work of various artists who create installations to enhance our worship experience.
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