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Contact the church office directly for an electronic pledge form

If you will be setting up a recurring donation through Zeffy:
Follow this QR code, or the button below to be guided to the Zeffy donation form. On the form, choose "monthly" and answer "pledge" for the "what ministry are you donating to?"
Thank you for being a sustaining pledger!
Ministries of our Church
and their volunteer opportunities
Worship- Sexton (open and close building), greeter, liturgist, music, worship planning
Adult Education- Help with book groups, lead a class in your expertise, help with logistics or publicity for events
Children & Youth- Help improve the pray ground (Lewis Room), nursery supervision, confirmation mentors, adult chaperone for youth trips, help put on family oriented events, be in contact with families with children to plan events that meet their needs.
Membership- Keep in touch with members. Visit people who are in hospital or homebound. Bring food for funerals or when a member can't cook for themselves. General support of church members in crisis. Welcome new members.
Fellowship- Provide coffee (optional food) after worship, host a "Middler's" party at your home. Organize the cookie fellowship on xmas eve
Sharing the Good News- Extroverts needed to table at events. Making and distributing fliers/postcards. Posting on Facebook. We need someone who knows Instagram! Pride participation.
Finance- Be a member of the finance committee
Buildings & Grounds- Help out with general maintenance. Grounds clean-up in fall and spring.
Benevolence- Help with Ruth's Cart. Serve at the Emergency Food Pantry. Distribute food in monthly pop-ups. Fellowship in the Garden each Wednesday. Support our Make it a Home Family
Justice- Help coordinate and publicize events that promote awareness of justice issues. Work on advocacy. Be a liaison to one of the justice organizations we participate in:
Personnel- Help with reviews for employees
Pastor/Parish- Work with Pastor/Parish Coordinator to attend to the relationship between the congregation and the pastor.
Adult Education- Help with book groups, lead a class in your expertise, help with logistics or publicity for events
Children & Youth- Help improve the pray ground (Lewis Room), nursery supervision, confirmation mentors, adult chaperone for youth trips, help put on family oriented events, be in contact with families with children to plan events that meet their needs.
Membership- Keep in touch with members. Visit people who are in hospital or homebound. Bring food for funerals or when a member can't cook for themselves. General support of church members in crisis. Welcome new members.
Fellowship- Provide coffee (optional food) after worship, host a "Middler's" party at your home. Organize the cookie fellowship on xmas eve
Sharing the Good News- Extroverts needed to table at events. Making and distributing fliers/postcards. Posting on Facebook. We need someone who knows Instagram! Pride participation.
Finance- Be a member of the finance committee
Buildings & Grounds- Help out with general maintenance. Grounds clean-up in fall and spring.
Benevolence- Help with Ruth's Cart. Serve at the Emergency Food Pantry. Distribute food in monthly pop-ups. Fellowship in the Garden each Wednesday. Support our Make it a Home Family
Justice- Help coordinate and publicize events that promote awareness of justice issues. Work on advocacy. Be a liaison to one of the justice organizations we participate in:
Personnel- Help with reviews for employees
Pastor/Parish- Work with Pastor/Parish Coordinator to attend to the relationship between the congregation and the pastor.