Sunday Morning- Sunday morning worship is meant for all ages. There is a play'n'pray ground connected to the sanctuary. Our nursery room is close enough to the sanctuary that our care provider can meander between the nursery and the play'n'pray ground. Parents are encouraged to either worship with their children or entrust our nursery provider with them, whichever works best for the family.
Confirmation- Middle School kids meet with mentors and Pastor Michelle to learn about Christianity and explore their personal faith. Confirmation is open to all unconfirmed youth in 6th grade and older. We run a 2 year program, alternating between a focus on the big questions of Christianity and learning about the United Church of Christ.
Youth Leadership Council- for all confirmed youth. The mission of this group is to advise church leadership on how to live into the call for each generation to make our faith their own, how to fulfill the overall mission of First Congregational UCC Moorhead.