COnfirmand/Mentor Activities 2025
Session #1
I. Introductions/ Who am I?
A. Start with the basics. Name, age, hobbies, etc.
B. Go a little deeper by asking/answering a few of these questions
1. When you look into the past, what do you miss the most?
2. What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
3. Do you think that good things come from suffering?
4. What are three qualities that you look for in friends?
5. Are there any lessons that you had to learn the hard way?
6. What is the best part about being you?
7. Is there anyone that you really miss right now?
8. What was the hardest day of your life?
9. When you’re having bad days what do you do to cheer yourself up?
10. Do you prefer having a lot of good friends, or a few great friends?
II. Read Philemon
A. Discuss: The author has the authority to tell Philemon how to behave towards Onesimus, but stops short of that, rather asking him to behave in a certain way. Are there times when people who have authority over you tell you to do things that you would rather they ask you to do? How do you think Philemon will respond to Paul's request? Do you think his response would be different if it was an order, instead of a request?
B. Share: A time when someone asked you to do something. Can you think of a time when you didn't know how good the thing was going to be, even if it was hard? For example, you had to rake a whole bunch of leaves, but you felt a sense of accomplishment afterwards. Or you had to take a summer class when you would rather be doing video games, but you ended up identifying a passion. Discuss: If Philemon did as Paul asked, do you think he ended up thinking it was a good thing?
III. Pray Together: Choose one
A. Share what challenging or exciting things are coming up for each of you this week, and then pray for God's presence in those events.
B. Find a prayer that you both like and say it out loud together. Here are some suggestions
Many versions of the Lord's Prayer
Irish Blessings
Poems that are Prayers
C. Sit in silence for an agreed upon amount of time. I suggest somewhere between 2 and 10 minutes. Do your best to have a blank mind during this time. If your mind wanders, simply notice it, remind yourself you are trying to have a blank mind, and let the thoughts go. At the end of the time, share what the experience was like for you.
IV. Schedule your next meeting. You will need, at least 5, of them.
I. Introductions/ Who am I?
A. Start with the basics. Name, age, hobbies, etc.
B. Go a little deeper by asking/answering a few of these questions
1. When you look into the past, what do you miss the most?
2. What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
3. Do you think that good things come from suffering?
4. What are three qualities that you look for in friends?
5. Are there any lessons that you had to learn the hard way?
6. What is the best part about being you?
7. Is there anyone that you really miss right now?
8. What was the hardest day of your life?
9. When you’re having bad days what do you do to cheer yourself up?
10. Do you prefer having a lot of good friends, or a few great friends?
II. Read Philemon
A. Discuss: The author has the authority to tell Philemon how to behave towards Onesimus, but stops short of that, rather asking him to behave in a certain way. Are there times when people who have authority over you tell you to do things that you would rather they ask you to do? How do you think Philemon will respond to Paul's request? Do you think his response would be different if it was an order, instead of a request?
B. Share: A time when someone asked you to do something. Can you think of a time when you didn't know how good the thing was going to be, even if it was hard? For example, you had to rake a whole bunch of leaves, but you felt a sense of accomplishment afterwards. Or you had to take a summer class when you would rather be doing video games, but you ended up identifying a passion. Discuss: If Philemon did as Paul asked, do you think he ended up thinking it was a good thing?
III. Pray Together: Choose one
A. Share what challenging or exciting things are coming up for each of you this week, and then pray for God's presence in those events.
B. Find a prayer that you both like and say it out loud together. Here are some suggestions
Many versions of the Lord's Prayer
Irish Blessings
Poems that are Prayers
C. Sit in silence for an agreed upon amount of time. I suggest somewhere between 2 and 10 minutes. Do your best to have a blank mind during this time. If your mind wanders, simply notice it, remind yourself you are trying to have a blank mind, and let the thoughts go. At the end of the time, share what the experience was like for you.
IV. Schedule your next meeting. You will need, at least 5, of them.
I. Check-in. What has happened in your life since you were last together?
II. Watch at least 3 of the videos below.
For each video: Agree on what the person in the video believes is true about Jesus or Jesus' teaching. Some of them do not answer this directly. You will need to listen to what they are saying and read between the lines.
Make a list of ways their belief shapes what they do (or might do) in the world.
Share with each other if you believe the same thing as the person in the video. And if you do the same things as the person. The reason we watch these videos isn't so that we will think like these people, but so that we have a way to identify and communicate what we do think. Your opinion is what matters.
Please note that these videos come from a variety of sources. Pastor Michelle does not necessarily endorse all of the sources. Our denomination appreciates the full breadth of understandings of Jesus and Jesus' teaching. We strive to give you examples from a wide range of opinions.
III. Make a video of each of you talking about what you believe to be true about Jesus and send it to Pastor Michelle [email protected] Click here for a sample video.
IV. Pray together
V. Schedule. Set date and time for your next meeting.
I. Check-in. What has happened in your life since you were last together?
II. Watch at least 3 of the videos below.
For each video: Agree on what the person in the video believes is true about Jesus or Jesus' teaching. Some of them do not answer this directly. You will need to listen to what they are saying and read between the lines.
Make a list of ways their belief shapes what they do (or might do) in the world.
Share with each other if you believe the same thing as the person in the video. And if you do the same things as the person. The reason we watch these videos isn't so that we will think like these people, but so that we have a way to identify and communicate what we do think. Your opinion is what matters.
Please note that these videos come from a variety of sources. Pastor Michelle does not necessarily endorse all of the sources. Our denomination appreciates the full breadth of understandings of Jesus and Jesus' teaching. We strive to give you examples from a wide range of opinions.
III. Make a video of each of you talking about what you believe to be true about Jesus and send it to Pastor Michelle [email protected] Click here for a sample video.
IV. Pray together
V. Schedule. Set date and time for your next meeting.